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Badminton House Open Gardens & Art Exhibition

Sunday 8 September 2024 (exhibition 8 - 15)

Explore the captivating gardens of Badminton House, the historic residence of the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort.

Open three times a year in April, June, and September, the gardens offer a delightful journey through the seasons. From the vibrant tulips of spring to the lush roses and dahlias of summer, visitors can marvel at the ever-changing beauty of nature.

Discover a diverse array of plants, from the meticulously manicured formal beds designed by Russell Page to the tranquil South Garden adorned with water features, hedges, and a stunning variety of blooms. Delight in the enchanting displays of roses, campanulas, penstemons, geraniums, and phlox, creating a tapestry of colors and scents.

Take a leisurely stroll to the Walled Garden, where the Badminton House kitchen garden flourishes with fruits, vegetables, and cut flowers. Admire the picturesque archway adorned with roses, clematis, wisteria, and yellow laburnum, while the greenhouse showcases a splendid collection of pelargoniums.

Additionally, explore Well Cottage, the charming residence of Miranda Beaufort, and wander through her picturesque cottage gardens and greenhouses. Your entry fee of £3 at the gate supports Dorothy House, a worthy cause.

Indulge in a delightful day out with plant and flower vendors offering their wares, complemented by a selection of delectable food and drinks from various stalls.

Art exhibition: ‘A Garden of Botanical Art’
The first art exhibition at Badminton House, featuring a unique collection showcasing the botanical collection of Mary Somerset, the first Duchess of Beaufort.
Tickets are £5 on the day and can be purchased here: Garden Open Day Exhibition Tickets: A Garden of Botanical Art – Badminton Estate

The exhibition continues from 9 - 15 September
Tickets to the exhibition also include a visit around Badminton Gardens  (usually only open to the public for 3 days in April, June, and September).
Exhibition tickets are timed to half an hour slots but you can enjoy the gardens at your leisure. See link below.

For further information

  • Badminton House Open Gardens & Art Exhibition

  • Where :Badminton Estate, Badminton, South Gloucestershire, GL9 1DD
  • Date : Sunday 8 September 2024 (exhibition 8 - 15)
  • Time : Gates open from 10am with last entry at 4pm
  • Tickets/Admission : £10 pre-sale or £12.50 on the day, seniors £7.50 or £10 on the gate. Children under 12 go FREE. Exhibition tickets £5 on 8 Sept
  • Also see : Badminton Estate - more information and online booking


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