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Midsummer at The Barn Theatre

Wednesday 22 May - Saturday 22 June 2024

MIDSUMMER – A Play with songs
A warm-hearted, beautifully sculpted musical romantic comedy of a great lost weekend in Edinburgh.

The story’s starting point is a meeting on Midsummer Eve in a wine bar of a pair of lonely 35-year-olds in need of solace.

Helena is a high-powered divorce lawyer “at a loose end,” insecure about looming spinsterhood with a taste for other people’s husbands. Bob is a failing car salesman, would be poet, turned petty criminal who fears he has “peaked in 1987.” A loveable lout who has always been “medium” in the worst way.

She’s totally out of his league and he’s not her type at all. There’s absolutely no reason why they should get together, but they do. What ensues is a helter-skelter weekend in which they lose themselves and their inhibitions; two loners looking for mutual consolation.

Midsummer is a collaboration between playwright David Greig and singer songwriter Gordon McIntyre; irresistibly funny, sad and instantly recognisable.

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