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Explore Gloucestershire at its Best Photography Competition 2013

Explore Gloucestershire at its Best Photography Competition 2013

The Explore Gloucestershire at its Best Photography Competition returns. 

We are delighted to have the support for another year from our sponsors Stagecoach West Buses who provide an invaluable service to locals and visitors alike, working together to explore our beautiful county. 

The winning photograph will receive £250 donated by Stagecoach West Buses and a large canvas print of the winning photograph donated by the Bigger Printing Company.
2nd Prize: £50 donated by Stagecoach West Buses.
3rd Prize: £25 donated by Stagecoach West Buses.

Bonus Prizes!

This year we are looking for seasonal photographs and are offering a family ticket to one of Gloucestershire's top visitor attractions for the best photograph depicting each season.
 Attractions include: Birdland Park & Gardens, Cotswold Wildlife Park, Puzzlewood and Westonbirt, The National Arboretum

Last year we received some inspiring entries and this year the competition will be bigger and better. Follow the competition link below to see some of the best entries from last year. The brief for the photo is very diverse, just as long as it is taken in Gloucestershire. So get out there and snap yourself a potential winner.

Explore Gloucestershire
30 May 2013

For further information.


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