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International Street Market brings flavours of the continent to Cheltenham

Continental market Cheltenham

The International Street Market which has swept Scandinavia with a feast of foodie fun is on its way to the Promenade in Cheltenham, aiming to build on the success of the last event.

From Thursday 5 May to Sunday 8 May traders from around the world will be on hand to display the best products that their respective countries have to offer. From bespoke craft items, to hot food traders from around the world, the International Street Market will have it all.
Working in partnership with Cheltenham Borough Council, the market is run by Groupe Geraud, the largest market operator in Europe. Their International Street Market programme has been running successfully across the UK, Sweden and now also Denmark.

Groupe Geraud’s John McInnes, said: “It’s been a big hit in Europe thanks to the atmosphere and buzz it creates and we are sure it will go down a treat as it tours the UK.”

Kevan Blackadder, from Cheltenham Business Partnership, added: “We are delighted to be hosting another International Street Market in Cheltenham, and creating a series of events in the town centre that will create variety and vitality for everyone.”
Around 20 traders will be present selling the best of the continent’s gastronomic delights and craft items. The food on offer will range from crepes and cakes for those with a sweet tooth, to barbecued treats for those craving a meat feast as well as authentic Chinese street food.
The market will open from 10am until 6pm daily and 11 – 5pm on Sunday.

Explore Gloucestershire
26 April 2016

For further information.


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