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Adopt an Object from Corinium Museum

Adopt an Object from Corinium Museum

The Corinium Museum is offering people the chance to Adopt an Object from their world famous collections.
The Museum is raising funds for an exciting new project “Stone Age to Corinium” - Discover the Archaeology of the Cotswolds, which will transform the Grade II listed Abberley House at Corinium Museum to create new Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Early Roman galleries as well as improving facilities for visitors and providing an inspiring garden space and a dedicated “hands-on” Discovery Centre.
Sponsorship ranges from £10 to £1,000 for some of the most significant objects in the museum collection. From arrowheads and coins to Roman tombstones there is something for everyone! The adoption pack includes a certificate, digital image of the object, one free admission ticket and all donors will be acknowledged on the museum website (optional).
If you would like to adopt an object simply browse the selection of objects on the museum website where you will also find details of how to give.
Amanda Hart, Museum Director, said: “The Stone Age to Corinium project will transform the opening galleries, bringing the now dated displays in line with the rest of the museum. The Discovery Centre will give us a much needed space for our growing programme of activities enjoyed by all. By adopting one of our objects you will help us reach our ambitious fundraising target”.
For more information about the Adopt an Object campaign please go to or telephone the Corinium Museum on 01285 655611.

Explore Gloucestershire
5 May 2016

For further information.


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