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Your Lido needs you!

Cheltenham Parks Lido

Be a volunteer this season!

Every season Sandford Parks Lido hold numerous sporting and public events which are made a huge success by the help of their amazing volunteers. As a charitable trust they operate their sporting events for the benefit of the lido and a number of other charitable organisations.  They encourage fundraising on all of these sporting challenges.  If you are able to offer your time and you wish to join the volunteer group please get in touch today.

Why get involved?
By volunteering you get to be a working cog in some fantastic events which are a great experience and day out. Yes you’ll be working but it’s within the fun and friendly atmosphere of the “Lido Family”. Sandford Parks Lido is a charitable trust and every little bit of help counts, it’s only with you and your support that they are able to open each year, so whether that’s by buying a season ticket, volunteering or just popping in for a swim every now and then it all counts.

How can you get involved?
Details of individual events and sign up forms can be found on Sandford Parks Lido website at the following link:

Or just pop in to the pool, say hello and sign up!

What would I have to do?

Volunteering can be a very varied role which is one of the reasons it’s so fun! From marshalling on and around the site, supervising the registration desk, swimming lane counting, hosting the finish line, being an onsite event photographer and much more!

Explore Gloucestershire
3 May 2017

For further information.


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