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Dinosaurs come to Gloucester

Dinosaur exhibition in Gloucester

Calling all budding palaeontologists! Ever wondered what a T-Rex ate for lunch? Or fancy walking through a dinosaur swamp? Then look no further!
Opening on Saturday 15th July The Museum of Gloucester will travel back in time to bring you an immersive ‘Expedition Zone’ with life size models, and an ‘Investigation Zone’ with various hands-on interactives, and genuine fossils allowing you to explore the world of palaeontology.
With all the ‘Roarsome’ fun to be had the Museum have also announced they will open 7 days a week for the summer holiday period, as they play to host a huge range of Dino related activities. All summer long Doc Saurus and a range of special guests will be offering crafty workshops and engaging talks for everyone to enjoy, and that’s not all.
The Museum has once again teamed up with the Gloucestershire County Libraries Service and this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. Every child that registers for the summer reading challenge (for free) at a county library, will receive FREE ENTRY to the ‘Dinosaurs’ exhibition.
Dinosaur exhibition open on Saturday 15th July 2017 and runs until Sat 28th October. Entry is free for museum members. Day tickets are available for £5 Adult / £3 Cons / £12 Family. A 12 month museum membership is £7.50 Adult / £4 Cons / £15 Family and includes unlimited access to both Museums for a 12 month period.
Tickets are on sale now from 

Explore Gloucestershire
11 July 2017

For further information.


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