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REVIEW: Deathtrap at the Everyman Theatre

REVIEW: Deathtrap at the Everyman Theatre

A devious night of devilish humour with twists and turns galore!

The play written by Ira Levin is well known as one of the longest running hits on Broadway and from its very dramatic start you know that you’re in for a great evening.

The location is a country house where Sidney Bruhl, a successful playwright and his wife Myra live. Sidney has gained fame for his plays with murder at their core, with the house reflecting this with various weapons adorning the walls.

Paul Bradley is superb as the devilishly devious and extremely frustrated Sidney, the plotting playwright with a reputation to uphold, writer’s block, and a lavish lifestyle to maintain. Jessie Wallace is fabulous as his wife Myra, a woman who appears to battle with her conscience, but who is perhaps unwilling to relinquish her comfortable way of life. Clifford Anderson (Sam Phillips) is excellent as a promising and enthusiastic young writer who has been guided by Sydney arrives at the country house with a new play called 'Deathtrap'. Clifford is eager to gain the support of his former mentor, however the couple have other plans...  and so the clever script begins - full of surprises, twists and turns which bring gasps and laugh out loud moments. 

An unexpected visiting neighbour throws a spanner into the works during the proceedings. Helga ten Dorp, played brilliantly by Beverley Klein is a larger than life character with psychic abilities who threatens the plan, as she appears to know more than she should. But nobody in this play is exactly what he or she appears, so is the seemingly eccentric Helga all that she seems?

The interval break arrives when you least expect it leaving you eager to find out what’s going to happen next. Will all be resolved with the arrival of Porter Migrim (Julien Ball) who plays Sidney’s solicitor? In this play perhaps not - is he indeed a lawyer? Needless to say there are even more shocks and surprise as the play comes to its finale.

This production has it all and will appeal to a wide audience. With a murderous storyline packed with gripping suspense, jump out of your seat moments and great comedy elements - prepare to expect the unexpected! 

Deathtrap runs until Saturday so book now or miss out!

Explore Gloucestershire
18 October 2017

For further information.


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