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WORDFEST coming to Gloucester Cathedral

WORDFEST coming to Gloucester Cathedral

WORDFEST at Gloucester Cathedral: 6-8 July 2018

Two weeks to go until Wordfest 2018: Gloucester Cathedral’s three-day celebration of the written, spoken and sung word.

A celebration of all things ‘word’ …
Now counting down to Wordfest 2018: an amazing weekend of talks, poetry, music, comedy, storytelling, crafts and much more ...

In just two weeks’ time, the marquees will be up in Lower College Green, the conversation and the beer will be flowing, and a fantastic lineup of speakers, activists, authors and musicians will be making their way to Gloucester for what will be a memorable and exciting event for the city.

The programme of free events kicks off on Friday 6 July at 4pm with Adam Henson and a ‘drop-in after-school’ informal event for all the family. All throughout Saturday and Sunday there are free family events, games, workshops, storytelling, busking, poetry slams, and even a suffragette banner procession led by Helen Pankhurst. Whether your interest is music, crafts or conversation, and whatever your age, drop in to Wordfest and find something to enjoy for free.

The theatre marquee will be host to a fantastic lineup of artists, with well-known faces from television, such as Patrick Baladi (The Office, Line of Duty) and BBC historian Dan Cruickshank, and a host of authors from Gloucestershire and further afield: look out for Katie Fforde, Andrew Taylor, Rachel Joyce and many more. Also joining Wordfest is movie special-effects expert John Richardson talking about making 007 movies, and how he turned Gloucester Cathedral into Hogwarts for the filming of Harry Potter.
All weekend Waterstones will be running an onsite bookshop, and Gloucester Brewery will be serving up their ales alongside wines and soft drinks. As well as all this, some amazing street food is available on Saturday and Sunday.

So go along and join the conversation…

Explore Gloucestershire
22 June 2018

For further information.


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