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Air Tattoo plans Friday Fanfare

Air Tattoo plans Friday Fanfare

Organisers of the Royal International Air Tattoo are presenting Friday visitors with an exclusive opportunity to view exciting aircraft up-close.
Visitors to the event on Friday 19 July will get special access to the thrilling ‘pit area’ where flying display aircraft are parked before and after the flying display, subject to operational requirements and receive a £10 discount voucher that can be redeemed against Official Merchandise at the show if booked by 31 January.
Friday visitors can already take advantage of Super Earlybird tickets which are on sale at £47 and represent a saving of almost 20 per cent on the cost of a full-priced standard admission ticket.
Head of Marketing Helen Webb said: “Exclusive access to the ‘pit area’ proved hugely popular in 2016 and we’re delighted to re-introduce it on the Friday of the airshow.
“It’s a great opportunity for visitors to receive a more intimate view of some of the aircraft that are participating in the flying display. This isn’t accessible on the Saturday and Sunday”.

As well as featuring the world’s most exciting aircraft, this summer’s airshow will turn its spotlight into space.
The airshow’s theme ‘Air & Space: Inspiring the Next Generation Air Force’ follows an announcement earlier this year that the Royal Air Force will be taking command and control of the UK’s military space operations, reflecting the importance of space in ensuring successful military operations around the world.
As well as welcoming air arms from around the world, there will be engaging and interactive displays in the critically-acclaimed Techno Zone®, demonstrating how space technology is being developed and how it is being used to help counter threats to our everyday lives.
On the ground, visitors will also be able to explore the Air Tattoo’s Activity Zone (closed Friday), Vintage Village and RAF Experience.
Tickets for the airshow, which is staged annually in support of the RAF Charitable Trust, can be purchased online at or by calling 01285 713456. (For a £10 off discount voucher, Friday tickets must be booked before 31 January). All accompanied under-18s go free.

For further information.


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