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Café Rene is the venue for the 2010 Gloucester Rhythm & Blues Festival

The 2010 Gloucester Rhythm  & Blues Festival at Café Rene.

The 2010 Gloucester Rhythm  & Blues Festival at Café Rene.

Café René - lé Pub and Restaurant, in the heart of Gloucester will again be flying the R&B flag for the 2010 Gloucester Rhythm & Blues Festival.

Situated within Greyfriars, Café René is the perfect place for this prestigious summer event in Gloucester, with not only a fabulous indoor venue but with an outdoor stage it’s a great setting to experience some of the best R&B music around.

Now in its eighth year at Café René, the Gloucester Rhythm & Blues Festival starts its exciting week of musical fulfilment on Monday 26 July with top toe-tapping musicians and bands from not only the UK but from as far a field as Australia too!

During the mid-week Café René will be graced by the usual charismatic R&B performances from the likes of ‘Mike Sanchez’, ‘Willy & The Bandits’ and ‘Keith Thompson’, as well as the unique style of Celtic Roots mixed with American Blues courtesy of ‘Will Killeen’. Watch out for the odd washboard to appear on Friday night with the ‘Ragtime Jug Orchestra’!

The grand weekend finale not only has superb musical content but more entertainment throughout Saturday and Sunday can be enjoyed with face painting for the children, ghost walks with the legendary Lyn Cindery for all, whilst ‘grown ups’ only can experience the Café René ‘Real Ale & Cider Festival’. Supplement your hunger with a pig roast or the famous ‘René BBQ’.

The outdoor stage on Saturday and Sunday sees a plethora of fine R&B acts and bands including a six piece blues band ‘Profoundly Blue’, the highly acclaimed ‘The Larry Millar Band’, and Café Rene’s darling ‘Oliver Darling & The Dirty Robbers’, to mention but a few.

Gloucester is a great city to visit at any time of the year but in the summer months is a truly special place to escape to and explore with its famous cathedral and Victorian docks, but if you’re lucky enough to stumble upon one of the many medieval passageways, you’ll probably chance upon Gloucester’s best known secret, ‘Café René’, host to the 2010 Gloucester Rhythm & Blues Festival!

Each year the Café René R&B’s Festival is FREE for all to enjoy. Throughout the week though Café René help raise money through various fundraising activities for a well deserving cause. This year’s charity collection will be going to the Gloucester Children’s Ward.

The Café René 2010 Gloucester Rhythm & Blues Festival
Monday 26 July – Sunday 1 August 2010
Café Rene – Lé Pub & Restaurant
31 Southgate Street (opposite Gloucester Tourist Information)
Gloucester GL1 1TP

Explore Gloucestershire
16 July 2010

Profoundly Blue
Profoundly Blue
The Ragtime Jug Orchestra
The Ragtime Jug Orchestra
Larry Miller
Larry Miller

For further information.


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