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REVIEW: James Morrison at Westonbirt

James Morrison at Westonbirt

James Morrison, the Brit award winning singer/songwriter and guitarist performed on a pleasant July evening at Westonbirt Arboretum near Tetbury. 

Organised by the Forestry Commission it is a picturesque and unique venue in Gloucestershire  and the live music events provide valuable revenue for their environmental and social projects across the country.

James Morrison has come a long way since his early beginnings busking in Cornwall. His soulful voice made the evening of 18 July a very pleasant experience with thousands of people eager to enjoy the evening armed with picnics and seating. He came across to the audience as a genuinely nice down to earth guy, sharing with us tales of the truth behind the lyrics of his songs. A very appreciative audience sang along to and enjoyed hits such as 'Broken Strings' and 'You Make It Real'.

One of the beauty’s of the concerts at Westonbirt is the diversity of the audience. Once again everyone was happy and were genuinely there to enjoy the music on a warm summer evening. Well done to the organisers … you’ve done it again!

Explore Gloucestershire
19 July 2010





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