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Birds of Gloucestershire at Nature in Art

Birds of Gloucestershire book launch at Nature in Art

Our newest exhibition celebrates the publication of a new book, 'The Birds of Gloucestershire' which will represent the most comprehensive record of birdlife in our county. The exhibiton will be showing over 120 of the original artworks which feature in this 450+ page book, which took a large team of volunteer writers, artists and photographers to produce.

Many well known artists will feature, including; Terence Lambert, Jackie Garner, Robert Gillmor, Rodger McPhail and Ian Wallace to name just a few.

The exhibition will also be highlighted by the official book launch day which will be on Saturday November 16th, where there will be a chance for visitors to meet two editors of the book, Gordon Kirk and John Phillip as well as contributing artist Peter Partington; all of whom will be signing copies of the book.

The exhibition also offers an exciting opportunity for visitors to purchase some of the original artworks on display.

This exhibition is sure to give a fantastic insight into birdlife in Gloucestershire and should not be missed!
The exhibition runs from November 12 - December 15

Explore Gloucestershire
6 November 2013

For further information.


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