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Restaurant at Berkeley Castle

Restaurant at Berkeley Castle

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Castle Capers for the Summer Holidays!

School holiday activities at Berkeley Castle

Be sure to put a visit Berkeley Castle in your diaries this summer.  There’s a packed itinerary of events and everything is included in your admission fee – just £30 for a family of 2 adults and 2 children.

Families visiting Berkeley Castle will be spoilt for choice this summer; from Sunday 24th July until Wednesday 31st August there’s an exciting activity taking place every day they’re open.

Enjoy free Arts & Crafts workshops in their Education Centre, explore the grounds with their Jester Explorer Sheet or search for baby dragons with their Jester Dragon Hunt; enjoy Outdoor Games, Willow Tunnels, Fairy Doors, a Tee-pee and rope swing as you run around the woodland grove. 
Call into the Dressing-up area and become a King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Knight – or perhaps a dragon! 
Be mesmerised by the beauty of the Tropical Butterfly House and don’t forget to call into the Yurt Tearoom for delicious refreshments.

Make sure you attend on the following days for their special activities:

Mondays – story-telling in the Great Hall with Cassandra, she’ll beguile you with stories of princes and princesses and Castle ‘goings on’!  Make sure you bring grandparents with you – they get free entry with each full paying child on a Monday.

Explore Gloucestershire
16 July 2016

For further information.


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