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Russian Themed Weekend of Music and Film at Gloucester Cathedral

Russian Themed Weekend of Music and Film at Gloucester Cathedral

On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 November Gloucester Cathedral will be hosting an exciting weekend of Russian themed music and film.
Music from the All-night Vigils: A Candlelit Concert of Russian Choral Music
On Saturday 25 November at 5.00pm Gloucester Cathedral Choir will perform some of the most beautiful music from the Russian Orthodox all-night vigils, including sections of the Vespers of Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and Gretchaninov. A complimentary glass of vodka will be served at the end of the concert which will take place in the beautiful Cathedral Quire, tickets cost £21.
Silent film screening and live organ improvisation: The End of St Petersburg
Continuing the Russian theme, on Sunday 26 November at 7.30pm, Gloucester Cathedral’s Assistant Director of Music Jonathan Hope improvises live to the 1927 classic silent film The End of St Petersburg. Vsevolodn Pudovkin’s masterpiece highlights the struggle of the ordinary people against the backdrop of the Bolshovik uprising in 1917, and provides rich material for Jonathan’s exceptional improvising skills. Tickets cost £16.
Seat numbers in the Quire are limited so early booking is advised to avoid disappointment.
Tickets are £21 for Music from the All-night Vigils and £16 for the Silent film screening with organ improvisation. They are available in person from the Cathedral Gift Shop (Mon to Fri 10.00am - 4.00pm), telephone 01452 768928 or online at All proceeds from both events will go directly towards supporting the music of Gloucester Cathedral.

Explore Gloucestershire
7 November 2017


For further information.


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