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Chorister Voice Trials are about to be held at Gloucester Cathedral

Chorister Voice Trials are about to be held at Gloucester Cathedral

Does your Son love to sing?

Gloucester Cathedral Choir is holding its annual formal voice trials for boy choristers on Friday 23 February 2018.  Talented boys aged 6-9 who enjoy singing are invited to audition for the possibility of joining the historic Cathedral Choir. 

Successful applicants will receive a world-class musical education and will have the opportunity to sing alongside professionals in the magnificent Cathedral six times a week.  As well as regular weekly services during term-time, the choir sings at high-profile events throughout the Christian year, including Christmas and Easter.  Other performance opportunities include singing in the diocese, making recordings and broadcasts, as well as touring abroad.  Previous successful trips have included Canada, USA, South Africa and Sweden. 

The boys are educated at The King’s School, Gloucester, one of the county’s leading independent day schools, which offers academic excellence, outstanding pastoral care and a programme to nurture individual strengths.  Successful applicants will receive a Scholarship and a reduction in school fees.  To find out more visit

The Chorister Voice Trials will be held from 9.30am on Friday 23 February 2018, with the Cathedral’s Director of Music, Adrian Partington, and representatives of the Cathedral Music Department.  To register for a voice trial, or for further information, please contact the Admissions Office at The King’s School, on 01452 337377 or e mail

Cathedral Junior Choir and Youth Choir

As well as an established Boy and Girl Chorister programme, there are also junior and youth choirs that welcome young singers.

Gloucester Cathedral Junior Choir was formed in 2011 with the aim of giving girls and boys aged 6-13 the opportunity to be part of the musical worship of the Cathedral. The choir is a lively group of singers which learns an exciting range of music. They perform once a month within the Sunday Eucharist, at termly concerts and at major events throughout the Church year.  There is no formal audition process, and we are keen to welcome new members. 

Gloucester Cathedral Youth Choir was founded in 1999 and is made up of talented young singers aged 13-19 from schools and colleges all around Gloucestershire.  Made up of both boys and girls, it meets twice a week during school term to rehearse after school on a Monday and Thursday, and sings Evensong every Thursday.  Membership is by audition.

For further information, please    or email:  

Explore Gloucestershire
24 January 2018

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