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Hidden Cheltenham Summer Trail

Hidden Cheltenham Summer Trail

Cheltenham Business Improvement District (BID) has worked with The Cheltenham Trust and Cheltenham Borough Council’s, No Child Left Behind campaign on a free Hidden Cheltenham Summer trail for three weeks this Summer holiday.

A year of action started in January 2019 designed with partners to address the main areas of children in poverty. Educational, fun and supportive events, activities and campaigns will engage and involve young people and offer them the confidence to get support if they need it.  Follow them on Facebook and Twitter @NCLBchelt.

The Hidden Cheltenham Summer Trail is following in the footsteps of our successful Easter trail that took place this April and saw more than 300 families successfully complete the trail.

Antonia Burgess posted on the Facebook group ‘Entertaining the kids on a budget – Gloucestershire ‘: “The Easter egg hunt that starts at The Wilson is fab! Me and little boy had such a lovely time walking around today and when you stop at Hollywood Bowling you get given a voucher that entitles a child to a free bowl. Everyone was so lovely at each stop and then when you completed the trail and have the word you go back to The Wilson and the children get an egg…all for free!! Brace yourself for a good walk as it’s a bit of trek but that only added to the trail and my little boy was so tired after it that bedtime was an absolute breeze!”

The Summer trail will start on Wednesday July 17 and will run from 9am-5pm Monday to Saturday until Monday September 2. The event will be part of the No Child Left Behind free activities calendar that will be sent to every child enrolled at a Primary School in Cheltenham.

Sign-up via to receive a digital map and exclusive clues the day before or just turn up and pick up a map and instructions from The Wilson Art Gallery to start your tasks.

The trail encourages families to use observation skills, beginner’s numeracy skills, physical exercise and team work to complete the trail. A goodie bag will be given to each child that completes the trail.

Explore Gloucestershire
21 June 2019

For further information.


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