Latest News from Batsford Arboretum
Both the Garden Centre and the Arboretum are now open daily from 10am - 4pm.
Strict safetly measure have been put in place with only a limited number of customers allowed in the main building at any one time.
The cafe and children's play area remain closed until further notice.
The Big Batsford Bug Hunt! is now on throughout the Summer until 6 September providing lots of family fun in the outdoors. It costs just £2.50 per child and theres's no need to book- just turn up and enjoy.
Forest School for Tots - these session will be resuming in July. Due to limted spaces these must be booked in advance.
Please visit Batsford Arboretum & Garden Centre website for more information (see link below)
Explore Gloucestershire
28 June 2020
For further information.