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Train services restarting at GWSR on Saturday 15 August!

Gloucesterstershire Warwickshire Steam Railway

The Gloucesterstershire Warwickshire Steam Railway are delighted to announce that tickets are now available for their public trains starting on Saturday 15th August.
The Railway has been working hard over the past few weeks to make sure that your visit is as safe as possible for everyone, while at the same time not detracting from the enjoyment of your trip. Journeys will not be quite the same, but the GWSR are sure you will enjoy yourselves on the new-normal train journeys.

  • All travel will need to be pre-booked and will be one return journey starting and finishing at Toddington. (If you require a hard copy ticket allow 7 days plus a £1 handling charge).
  • Hand sanitiser will be available. Carriages, compartments and seats will be clearly marked and station assistants will be on hand to help with directions. 
  • There will be short stops of around 20 minutes at Cheltenham and Broadway for the locomotive to change ends. Passengers will be able to leave the train but social distancing must be observed.
  • The GWSR will be running six-carriage trains; five carriages will be compartment stock, and each compartment will be available at a minimum cost of £50 for up to two people, with each additional person costing £10 up to a maximum total of 6 people per compartment.  Please adhere to the government rules regarding whom you are traveling with within the compartment i.e. not sharing with strangers.  The sixth carriage will be an open coach and will have seating available for individuals and couples at a cost of £25 per person. There will be a limited limited  number of people in the carriages conforming to the government’s guidance on social distancing.
  • Face coverings will be required by passengers travelling and whilst on the platform. These may be removed whilst seated in a compartment.
  • Only foldable buggies allowed on the train, which must be put inside your booked compartment.
  • Only pre - ordered food will be available. No hot drinks on the train, but tea and coffee will be available to purchase on the platform at Cheltenham Racecourse Station while the locomotive changes end.
  • The Flag and Whistle café at Toddington will be open for take-away hot and cold food, but the Coffee Pot at Winchcombe and the café at Broadway will be close.
  • Toilets will be open at each station and sanitiser will be available as you enter each toilet block.
  • Please be aware that, while the stations will be open, the ancillary attractions such as small museums, have-a-go mini signal box, children’s playground and shops will not be open.
  • The intensity and frequency of cleaning on the trains and stations has been increased. Overnight fogging which sprays disinfectant directly onto hard surfaces, killing viruses and bacteria has been introduced.

Please note that reopening will be subject to any further changes in UK Government policy in response to the Covid-19 situation.

Explore Gloucestershire
1 August 2020

For further information.


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