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10 Years of the British Wildlife Photography Awards

British Wildlife Photography Awards

Nature in Art, loacted at Wallsworth Hall, near Gloucester are delighted to announce that they will once again be hosting this year's British Wildlife Photography Awards exhibition.

This year the British Wildlife Photography Awards celebrates its 10th anniversary with a special retrospective exhibition.

This is a unique legacy captured by thousands of dedicated and talented photographers during the last decade, which has reached millions each year through exceptional media coverage. For the first time the touring show will include all the overall winners along with a selection of category winners and highly commended images.

To ensure everyone's safety and maintain social distancing the number of visitors in the museum and coffee shop has been restricted at any one time. As a result, to be guaranteed entry at your preferred time all visitorsare advised to book their visit in advance via the link on the home page of our website ( Booking is available for visits to both the museum and the coffee shop.
Event: 10 Years of the British Wildlife Photography Awards
Date: 13 November 2020 - 10 January 2021 - Due to the new Covid-19 restrictions in place, the start date has been postponed. Please see website link below for the latest information from Nature in Art
Time: Opening hours: Friday - Sunday, 10am - 4pm (Closed: 24th - 27th December 2021)
Where: Nature in Art, Wallsworth Hall, A38 Twigworth, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL2 9PA. (Sat Nav: GL2 9PG)

Photo credit : 'Ta Da! (Grey Seal, Halichoerus Grypus)', By Kirsty Andrews, 2018

Explore Gloucestershire
28 October 2020

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