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New Herbal healing Garden at Sudeley

New Herbal healing Garden at Sudeley

Sudeley Castle Celebrates New Beginnings and an Ancient Anniversary
Sudeley Castle will be throwing its doors open to visitors on 29th March for the 2010 season, who will be treated to a new development in the magnificent award-winning gardens.

A new herbal healing garden is being developed which will pay homage to the ancient wisdoms of Sudeley’s former inhabitants.  Lady Ashcombe has been leading the project, researching the vast knowledge of herbal healing from many cultures, stretching back in recorded history over 4000 years.  The Tudors & Elizabethans would have had a productive physic garden at Sudeley to provide the household with culinary and medicinal plants.  Herbs remained necessary and popular throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries until they were pushed aside by the advances in medical science and the evolution of synthetic substitutes.  Today the interest in natural remedies has been steadily re-emerging and Sudeley’s gardening team are very excited about the range of traditional plants they will be growing in the new garden.

Lady Ashcombe has been working with a professional group to develop a range of herbal cosmetic creams that will be exclusive to Sudeley, based on the latest research as well as traditional recipes and methods.  The range will feature some of the herbs and plants that will be grown in the herbal garden and will be available in the gift shop later this season.

The Queens Garden at Sudeley is best known for its spectacular display of roses that are celebrated in Rose Week each summer.  This year, there is the added celebration of the 150th anniversary of the planting of the magnificent double yew hedges that surround the Queens Garden, planted by Emma Dent, the Victorian Chatelaine at Sudeley.

Sudeley has once again held admission prices for the new season - Find out more at or call 01242 602308 for details of events and opening.

Explore Gloucestershire
26 February 2010


For further information.


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