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REVIEW: Seven Brides For Seven Brothers

REVIEW: Seven Brides For Seven Brothers

The energy of this musical is amazing.

Sam Attwater, from EastEnders and Dancing on Ice fame, and Helena Blackman, runner-up on ‘....Maria’ star as the main characters in this breathtaking version of ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers’. 

Set in Oregon at the time of the settlers, seven woodcutter brothers are all on the look- out for brides.  With a lot to live up to following the MGM Oscar winning film, this play does not disappoint. It includes the hit songs ‘Bless your Beautiful Hide’ and ‘Goin’ Courtin’’ but the real star of the show is the choreography.  The acrobatics, back flips and dance moves are just incredible.  The seven brides and the seven brothers know how to move!  Plus for the women in the audience the extremely fit brothers keep taking their tops off.  What’s not to like?!

Helena Blackman plays the feisty Milly with gusto.  She soon gets the seven brothers in line.  Sam Attwater makes for a very macho Adam but he’s met his match in Milly.  As President Eisenhower said about the film “If you haven’t seen it, you should see it”.  The same is true about this production – you should see it.

Seven Brides For Seven Brothers runs until Saturday 9 November.

Explore Gloucestershire
6 November 2013

For further information.


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