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The Webb Ellis Cup on display at Gloucester Cathedral

The Webb Ellis Cup on display at Gloucester Cathedral

In celebration of the “One Year To Go” until the first Rugby World Cup tournament match at Kingsholm on Sept 19th 2015, the Webb Ellis Cup will be on display in the Lady Chapel at Gloucester Cathedral on Saturday 20th September between 3.00pm and 5.30pm
The Webb Ellis Cup is the trophy awarded to the winner of the Rugby World Cup, the premier competition in men's international rugby union. The Cup is named after William Webb Ellis, who is often credited as the inventor of rugby football. The trophy is silver gilt and has been presented to the winner of the Rugby World Cup since the first competition in 1987.
All are welcome to come and view this magnificent trophy and even have their photograph taken with it, there is no admission charge and no ticket required.
While at the Cathedral you will be able to enjoy the Crucible2 sculpture exhibition which will be on show until 31st October 2014. For more details of this fantastic exhibition visit

Explore Gloucestershire
19 September 2014

For further information.


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