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Gloucester Cathedral hosts a Day of Pangolin Tours

Events at Gloucester Cathedral

How are the sculptures created?
On Tuesday 30th September Gloucester Cathedral will host a Day of Pangolin Tours led by craftsmen and women from Pangolin Editions.
Thousands of visitors have already been to see the Crucible2 exhibition since it opened at Gloucester cathedral on 1st September and have marvelled at how these extraordinary and diverse pieces of art are made. Now you have the opportunity to hear about what’s involved in creating some of the pieces in the exhibition, the different processes used and how it happens from start to finish from the men and women who know.
Rungwe Kingdon started Pangolin Editions with his wife Claude Koenig in a garden shed in 1985. Working with some of the foremost artists of the late 20th and 21st century, their foundry has grown into the largest sculpture foundry in Britain and is based in Chalford, Gloucestershire. Alongside casting they have also created galleries, a sculpture park and a charity, The Ruwenzori Sculpture Foundation. They are active in commissioning books, films and exhibitions.   Through collaborative partnership with sculptors they actively explore, research and develop art casting to further artists’ individual needs. More information about Pangolin Editions and the fantastic projects they are involved with can be found at
There are 200 places available over the day for these tours at 10.00am, 12.00noon and 3.00pm. Tours last approximately 60 minutes. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time. Tickets are £12.50 – available from 0845 652 1823, the Cathedral gift shop or at

Explore Gloucestershire
25 September 2014

For further information.


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