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Exciting new Roman finds at the Corinium Museum

The Corinium Museum

Exciting new Roman finds are on permanent display at the Corinium Museum in Cirencester.

Visitors to the museum will be among the first to view incredible artefacts from excavations of the western cemetery of Corinium (Roman Cirencester). It is the most significant Roman cemetery investigation in the town since the early 1970s.

Objects include a rare 2nd century Roman bronze enamelled cockerel figurine discovered in a child’s grave. The cockerel found underneath the former Bridge’s Garage site – now part of the St James’s Place Wealth Management site– is one of only 9 known cockerel figurines from the Roman world and is the only example with its tail in tact.

Displayed with the cockerel are an exceptional example of a Roman flagon and a selection of jewellery which include beads and bracelets found in a richly furnished child’s grave. These are high status objects, which give a fascinating insight into the people of Corinium.

Also on display is the Tetbury Coin Hoard containing 1437 silver and copper-alloy 3rd century Roman coins. The remarkably intact pottery vessel which housed them is on display with a selection of coins and brand new graphics panels.

The hoard is the museum’s first Roman Coin Hoard and comes from a fascinating period of political upheaval across the Roman Empire. It was a time of rapid succession of rulers and usurpers. The coins themselves tell this story. Depictions and inscriptions represent 12 emperors from just a 16 year period.

To see these special additions to the museum’s extensive Roman collection visit the Corinium Museum which is open  Monday to Saturday 10am to 5pm and Sunday  2 to 5pm (4pm closing November to March).

Explore Gloucestershire
14 October 2014

For further information.


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