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Think your carved pumpkin could be the best in the county?

Over Farm Halloween Frightmare pumpkin carving competition

Over Farm is holding its first ever pumpkin carving competition for children and adults this Halloween, in aid of National Star in Cheltenham.
Pumpkin entries will be displayed at the farm’s Frightmare Halloween Festival and visitors to the farm will be able to cast a vote for their favourite carving. The pumpkins with the most votes will win prizes, including £60 for the open class category and £20 for the under 14s category.
Over Farm is collecting under 14s pumpkin entries on Saturday 25 October between 1-5pm so there is still plenty of time to get your entry in! The open class category opens on Wednesday 29 October, between 4pm and 9pm. Entry costs 50p, with all proceeds donated to National Star.
Danielle Hannaford at Over Farm said: “It’s the chance for people to show off their pumpkin to thousands of people from Gloucestershire and beyond, whilst raising money for National Star. It’s aimed to be a bit of fun but there are some fantastic prizes up for grabs and of winning the title of having the best pumpkin in Gloucestershire.”

Explore Gloucestershire
24 October 2014

For further information.


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