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Fab new offer with Forest Holidays!

Fab new offer with Forest Holidays!

Explore Gloucestershire have teamed up with Forest Holidays to offer our readers a fabulous 5% discount on bookings taken before 31 May 2015. Not only that but Forest Holidays are also offering FREE cabin selection worth £25 - so if you prefer your stay to be in the wonderful woods or to enjoy a meadow view, then this is all part of the fab new deal!

Due to the increasing popularity of their woodland breaks, Forest Holidays opened 44 new cabins last October in the Forest of Dean near Coleford, Gloucestershire. Explore Gloucestershire were lucky to spend a lovely weekend in one of the new cabins in a chilly December - thoroughly enjoyed by the whole family there is something for all ages. Read our review...

Forest Holidays offer the perfect back-to-nature break for couples, dog-owners, families and groups of friends. Their stylish cabins constructed of timber and glass come in a range of sizes sleeping 2 - 10 people  - some with wood-burning stoves, most with private hot tubs, and all with a fantastic view of the surrounding forest. Dog - friendly cabins are also available on request.

Take advantage of our great Forest Holidays offer now as we know that the popular months will quickly be snapped up - click here to get your 5% discount and book your holiday now! - just enter the Promotion Code: Explore Gloucestershire.

Explore Gloucestershire
25 February 2015

For further information.


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