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Annual Stagecoach Green Week

Annual Stagecoach Green Week

Annual Stagecoach Green Week to Focus On Innovation in Tackling Climate Change.

Stagecoach West has announced plans for the eighth annual Stagecoach Group Green Week programme. 

The bus company is planning a series of events between 30 May and 3 June, to raise awareness among staff and customers about the need to continue coming up with new ideas to tackle climate change. 

During the week-long programme of activities, Stagecoach West will encourage employees and customers to continue driving forward the green agenda with the theme of ‘Green Sky Thinking’ to encourage further environmental innovation. 

Stagecoach has a strong track record of delivering new environmental solutions, including water recycling programmes, solar panels on depots, and an energy & fuel efficient fleet that utilises our Green Road software which monitors driver & vehicle performance to ensure we meet and exceed our sustainability targets. 

This year’s Green Week precedes World Environment Day on Sunday 5 June – a widely celebrated global day for positive environmental action when people from all walks of life can come together to ensure a cleaner, greener outlook for future generations. 

During the course of the week, Stagecoach West will carry out the below activities:

  • Helping to refurbish and decorate the reception & café areas at St James City Farm
  • Encouraging schools to join in growing Forget Me Nots and Poppies using recycled containers or their school gardens, with the aim of selling them to raise funds for The Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes
  • Launching Stagecoach’s new intranet ‘The Loop’ to announce an inter-depot green competition – each depot will have a budget to do as many Green projects as possible within their local communities

Last year Stagecoach launched its new five-year strategy, Shared responsibility, shared future, which has been produced in partnership with the Carbon Trust and sets out a package of investments at the Group’s bus and rail businesses. 

It follows a 30% reduction in Stagecoach Group’s carbon intensity since 2007-08 and the achievement of previous targets 12 months ahead of schedule. 

By April 2019, the Group is aiming to:

  •  Reduce buildings carbon emissions by 7%
  •  Cut like-for-like fleet transport carbon emissions by 2%
  •  Lower water consumption by 9%
  •  Achieve a waste recycling rate of 83% 

Stagecoach Group has already been awarded the prestigious Carbon Trust Standard for measuring, managing and reducing its global carbon footprint, becoming the first public transport operator to have its boundaries certified outside of Europe. 

Stagecoach’s annual Green Week covers the Group’s bus and rail operations in Europe and North America. In line with the theme of Green Sky Thinking, the initiative aims to further raise awareness of environmental issues among staff and passengers through a series of events across the Group’s businesses. 

Stagecoach West Managing Director, Rupert Cox, said: 
“Our commitment to our environmental responsibility is central to our business and we are continuing to take steps to become a greener business as well as working with our partners to protect our environment. 
“To continue our efforts, we need to keep coming up with new innovations and ideas and we hope that during this year’s Green Week, our customers and staff can assist by giving their views and suggestions on how we can work together to protect our planet for future generations. These initiatives need to be done over the longer term, long after Green Week has finished." 

For further information about Stagecoach Green Week visit 

Explore Gloucestershire
27 May 2016

For further information.


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