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Roses Theatre Shortlisted for Aviva Community Fund

Roses Theatre Shortlisted for Aviva Community Fund

The Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury, are in with a chance of winning £25,000 from the Aviva Community Fund for their Lived Experience Project and the theatre is asking for voters to help secure the funding.

The Lived Experience Theatre Company works with young people and professional actors to develop and deliver issue based learning that supports school PHSE and pastoral programmes. They address key issue-based outcomes that every educational institute needs to tackle in order to promote a positive learning environment. This creates a unique and memorable experience for young people, which passes on key information to help them live healthier, happier and safer lives. This funding would enable the company to deliver these performances to schools across Gloucestershire, extending the benefit to over 10,000 children and young people.

As well as the 10,000 children and young people who would benefit from the performances, a further 10 young people aged 14 – 20 will be involved in the co-production phase. These will be young people whom The Roses has worked with on other issue based programmes, including young people from Central Line, our young people’s mental health and arts forum. Six young people aged 18 - 24 will be trained as actors in the Lived Experience Theatre Company; this is an amazing opportunity for them to access paid, professional work experience.

Aviva cares about making a positive difference in local communities. As a business they depend on healthy communities for their current and future customers, their employees, their supply chain and their investors. The Aviva Community Fund allows them to contribute to causes that matter by funding projects that will make a difference in the community.

The Roses has an exemplary record of developing high quality and targeted participatory projects, and running a nationally acclaimed, vibrant youth theatre. This unique project combines both, extending the benefit of theatre based learning to young people across Gloucestershire, and they need the votes to make it all happen.

Each individual can vote up to ten times for the same project, and votes can be cast by following this link:

Alternatively, Google search Aviva Community Fund, click Vote Now, and search for The Roses.

Explore Gloucestershire
26 October 2016

For further information.


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