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Would you like to appear on the next series of Salvage Hunters?

Popular TV show Salvage Hunters coming to Gloucestershire

Salvage Hunters, the popular Quest TV and Discovery Channel show, is heading to Gloucestershire to record a special edition of the programme.

The show follows architectural salvage and antiques expert Drew Pritchard as he travels around the UK to prestigious, interesting, and historic places hunting out and buying quirky and unusual objects no longer wanted by their present owner.

Drew has visited everywhere from beautiful stately homes, to architectural salvage dealers, to private collectors and museums, buying everything from 16th century oak tables to 6 foot 1980s disco balls.

Now in its tenth series and airing to nearly half a million people in the UK and millions more in Europe, the show has recorded specials in Germany, Norway, Ireland as well as all over the UK and are looking  to add Gloucestershire to that list.

Drew will be heading to Gloucestershire soon to follow up on some leads, but ahead of that anyone can get in touch with the production team if they know an interesting location with multiple objects for sale that would work for the show.

People can call on 020 3179 0092 or email and if they can get in touch by the end of this week he can arrange a schedule for his visit.

Explore Gloucestershire
21 March 2017

For further information.


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