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REVIEW: Wait Until Dark at the Everyman Theatre

REVIEW: Wait Until Dark at the Everyman Theatre

"A gem of a suspense thriller." 

'Wait until Dark', written by Frederick Knott who also wrote 'Dial M for Murder' was made famous in the 60’s for the film of the same name starring Audrey Hepburn.  

The plot centres around Susy, a blind but capable woman who is left alone in her Notting Hill basement flat awaiting the return of her husband Sam (Oliver Mellor). Susy becomes involved in a plot by three conman who believe that she has something that belongs to them, and they want it back. One of the men, Mike (Jack Ellis) tries to befriend her saying he is a friend of her husband, and Croker, played by Graeme Brookes persuades her that he is a policeman. The third villain, Roat (Tim Treloar) is the really unpleasant, calculating and cunning final member of the trio. However, the poor blind woman, performed by the excellent Karina Jones (who is actually registered blind) is not quite the gullible woman they think she is and has to act quickly as she realises that her life is in danger. Help comes from an unlikely source in the form of Gloria, the schoolgirl who lives upstairs. Gloria who runs errands for Susy is delightfully played by Shannon Rewcroft who adds some lovely lighthearted moments to the dark plot.

Lighting is an essential factor in this play as it gives you a real sense of the unknown and adds to the ongoing suspense. It also gives you an insight into the darkened world in which Susy lives but manages so well. 

A world that is alien to the rest of us and sets us at unease.

The tension builds and builds after the interval until the final dramatic scenes which will have you on the edge of your seat. Will Susy escape? Will her unwanted visitors get what they came for?  Find out for yourselves as 'Wait Until Dark' runs until Saturday 16 September. 

Explore Gloucestershire
14 September

For further information.


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