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Armistice 2018 at Gloucester Cathedral

Armistice 2018 at Gloucester Cathedral

Armistice 2018 - World War One Centenary: Commemorative Services and Events at Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester Cathedral announces a programme of services and events to mark Armistice 2018 and the Centenary of the end of World War One.
The commemorations begin on Wednesday 17 October with the installation of “Poppyfall”, GCHQ’s giant waterfall of handmade poppies. They will end on Saturday 24 November when Gloucester Cathedral Choir will perform the world premiere of Ian King’s setting of Carol Ann Duffy’s poem “The Christmas Truce.” This wonderful work tells the story of the unofficial ceasefire on Christmas Day 1914 on the Western Front.
The Very Reverend Stephen Lake, Dean of Gloucester said “Remembrance is something deeply rooted in our souls. It recalls both the horror of war, and the sacrifice of those whose names we honour. Jesus said, ‘No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ John 15.13. In these events we commemorate those who have done just this for us.”
Everyone is invited to join us at any or all of our commemorative services and events listed below. You are welcome to spend as little or as much time as you wish, light a candle, sit in quiet reflection or just be here, our doors are open".

GCHQ “Poppyfall”
Until Monday 26 November
Requiem Eucharist
Friday 2 November 5.30pm
Cathedral Tower will be lit red for Remembrance
Monday 5 November to Friday 16 November
Tommy Atkins and the Canary Girl
Theatre performance by Spaniel in the Works Theatre Co
Thursday 8 November 2.00pm and 7.00pm
Remembering the Gloucestershire Fallen
Friday 9 November 7.30am - 2.00pm and 4.30pm - 7.00pm
By Severn and Somme: Johnny Coppin and the Gloucestershire War Poets
Friday 9 November 8.00pm - 10.00pm
Gloucester Choral Society - Remembrance Concert
The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace – Karl Jenkins
Saturday 10 November 6.00pm
Battle’s O’er - A Nation's Tribute
Sunday 11 November 6.00am
Remembrance Day Eucharist
Sunday 11 November 10.15am
All Clear! A Choral Concert for Armistice
Saturday 17 November 7.30pm - 9.00pm
The Christmas Truce
Saturday 24 November 5.00pm - 6.00pm

Full details of all the services and events can be found at:

Explore Gloucestershire
10 October 2018


For further information.


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