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REVIEW: Trial By Laughter at the Everyman Theatre

REVIEW: Trial By Laughter at the Everyman Theatre

Well this play most certainly turned out to be thought provoking and, in many ways, illustrated that some things in life never really change.

Written by Ian Hislop and Nick Newman we were expecting something controversial, as Ian is a man with personal experience of the judicial system and its pitfalls.

The play is based on the true story of William Hone who brought about a landmark ruling in 1817. A free thinker of his era, he produced witty satirical leaflets which poked fun at the Government and the Prince Regent. Hone was put on trial three times by an establishment that tried hard to wear him down and prove that free speech was indeed a crime. A crime that in his day should be punished by a lengthy prison sentence, a one-way ticket to the penal colony in Australia, or even a swing on the gallows. His story is as poignant today as it was then, as we live in a world of social media, where freedom of speech is scrutinised and often misconstrued. 

The excellent cast took on a plethora of characters with most playing more than one role. Particular praise has to go to Joseph Prowen who played William, his character transforming from a confident man, to one who is pushed to the edge and consequently suffering from ill health as a result. His ally and partner in crime, the caricaturist George Cruikshank is played by Peter Losasso, who adds a lighthearted, humorous addition to the proceedings. The scenery enabled the story to step back in time with ease and was used to great effect. 

We were expecting this to be a light-hearted production, especially in view of the underlying subject matter - we were not to be disappointed. One thing this play does bring home is that if we are not able to laugh at ourselves, we will most certainly cry!

Trail by Laughter runs until Saturday 17 November.

Explore Gloucestershire
13 November 2019

For further information.


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