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Volunteering at Lodge Park

What's on at National Trust Lodge Park

A volunteer open morning will be held at Lodge Park on Saturday 2nd February, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
With increased opening and lots to events to offer visitors, Lodge Park is looking for new volunteers to join the friendly team.
The volunteer opportunities include leading visitors on guided walks through the landscape. Inside you could tell stories of the family and the entertainment they had, help in the small café and shop, and get involved with events.
Margaret, who has volunteered at Lodge Park for two years, says ‘my favourite part is talking to some really interesting people, and learning something new on every visit.’
The open morning is a great opportunity to meet current volunteers and staff, find out all about the different roles, and ask questions.
Starting in March, Lodge Park will be open for four days per week, as well as opening every day in August. There’ll be nature activities, talks and trails throughout the year.
Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and use your skills, or learn new ones.
Lodge Park is England’s only surviving 17th century Grandstand, though it’s small, it has plenty of stories to tell.

Explore Gloucestershire
21 January 2019

For further information.


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