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Snowdrops are blooming early at Rococo Garden

Snowdrops are blooming early at Rococo Garden

Nestling in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire, Painswick's Rococo Garden is gearing up for one of its busiest times of the year.  With around five million snowdrops, the Garden is famed for having one of the largest collections of naturalised snowdrops in the country.  The little white blooms are much-loved as the early harbingers of spring and are usually showing their delicate white flowers in February.  However, after the mild winter so far, the full display is good week or so ahead of where the team would expect it to be.  Staff at the Garden have confirmed that the main Snowdrop Grove is now in full flower.

The wonderful display forms an unforgettable carpet of white which has been delighting generations of visitors.  There are fifteen known varieties of snowdrop in the Garden, including the famous Galanthus 'Atkinsii'.  This distinctively tall, handsome flower was first discovered in Painswick by estate worker James Atkins in the 1800s.

This year, to answer visitors' many questions about the delicate blooms, the garden's expert horticultural team will be giving a talk at 2.30pm every day throughout February.  Young explorers can learn how to be green-fingered by following the ‘Big Grow’ sticker trail. This brand-new, fun trail, created by local children’s author and illustrator Hannah Shaw, is a mini-adventure around the Garden, with animal friends to find and gardening facts aplenty!

Garden Director Dominic Hamilton says: "The blooming of our snowdrops is a must-see event in Gloucestershire, and we are looking forward to welcoming visitors from near and far to enjoy our popular daily talks and have a go at our ‘Big Grow’ trail.  We have been busy with our restoration of the Garden over the past year and our Café and Shop are bigger and better, so there should be plenty to delight every visitor, whether or not they've been before.  But don't delay - they'll only be blooming for a couple of weeks!"

The Garden is open daily from 10.30am until 5pm.  The ‘Big Grow’ trail and the daily snowdrop talks will run from 1-28 February inclusive.

Explore Gloucestershire
22 January 2019

For further information.


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