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READER OFFER: Mums - treat yourself now the kids have gone back to school!

Autumn Spa Day Offer at Cheltenham Chase Hotel

So, you’ve managed to entertain the kids every day during the school holidays. Discovered how much they’ve grown in such a short time and the prospect of new school uniform and shoes was all you had to look forward at the end of it. However, by now you’ve battled with the fashion statement versus sensible shoes issues, skirt length dramas, pulled out clumps of hair in despair and can now actually breath a sigh of relief that it’s all over for another year!! The thought of only having to get your little darlings out of bed each morning to get to school comes as a relief and the rest of the day can be planned the way YOU want it.

It’s time for a little treat, a bit of me time or a great excuse for a get together with like minded parents or friends. And we can help!
Explore Gloucestershire have teamed up with the Cheltenham Chase Hotel to bring you a fabulous offer. You will leave revitalised and ready to face the rest of the day with a little smile and a bounce in your step. 

Autumn Soother Spa Day -  for only £69!

Includes: 50 minute Signature Ritual - FREE ESPA product - Light lunch - Access to Spa facilities - Robes & slippers - Additional discount in the hotel Lounge

Call 01452 519 901 or email: and quote "AUTUMN SOOTHER SPA DAY"

We know this is a great experience as we enjoyed a Spa Day in the Summer - read our review...

Explore Gloucestershire
16 September 2019

For further information.


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