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Batsford Arboretum gears up for spectacular autumn colour

Batsford Arboretum gears up for spectacular autumn colour

Autumn brings a blaze of colour to Batsford Arboretum and this year is expected to be particularly special thanks to an ideal mix of sunshine and showers during the spring and summer months.
Home to one of the largest private collections of trees and shrubs in the country, Batsford Arboretum is famed for putting on a show-stopping display of reds, golds and yellows from mid-October until mid-November thanks the collection of Japanese maples, Sorbus, Euonymus and cherries dotted around the 56 garden.
Batsford’s Head Gardener, Matthew Hall says: “It’s been a good year for growth, most trees have produced masses of extension growth throughout the year which I’m confident will provide stunning autumn colour.”
As well as amazing colour, visitors to Batsford can soak up the smells of autumn as the Cercidiphyllum japonicum - known as the Katsura tree - release a sweet burnt sugar smell, similar to that of caramel or candyfloss.
Batsford is open daily and is just a mile from Moreton-in-Marsh in the north Cotswolds.

See below links for more information, including up-to-date information on the autumn colour at Batsford Arboretum.

Explore Gloucestershire
24 September 2019


For further information.


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