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REVIEW: Spectacle of Light at Sudeley Castle

REVIEW: Spectacle of Light - Peter Pan & Wendy

It’s 1 December. The first door of the advent calendar was prized open early this morning; by mid-morning the Christmas jumpers were out the attic; by the afternoon the tree was home and decorated; by the time the light dwindled, holly had been foraged and the wreath was up. By 6pm, all we needed to fully round off the first weekend of the Christmas season was an evening of lights, magic and the first mulled wine of the season. Sudeley Castle’s Spectacle of Light provided just this opportunity.

Having been last year to this spectacular event, we knew we were in for a treat, as we tried to imagine what creative endeavours the organisers have done this year in the Peter Pan theme. Wrapped up snug against the bitter cold, the illuminated trail took us through the glorious gardens and the majestic castle lit up in a stunning array of bright lights.

With a backdrop of music and hanging lanterns, we were enthralled in catching flashing glimpses of Tinkerbell’s light shooting across the castle walls and across the maze garden. Peter Pan’s shadow cast up on the castle walls, Hook’s shadow silhouetted against a big globe, our own shadows cast long along the yew tree lined gardens; shadows and light interplay with magical music and soundtracks that really do have the power to transport you to a very special out of this world experience.

We stumbled across the enchanted Lost Boys camp in the hedged woods; washing hanging out on the lines, hammocks, camp beds and tents; bedtime reading books; lanterns and rope ladders; enamel mugs and utensils, patched blankets and pillows… (“This is THE MOST PERFECT lost world den, mum”). And indeed it was - the level of detail really rather touching. We bumped into Pirates, and Fairies and Captain Hook strolling along the illuminated paths, which led us ultimately to a pirate boat cabin over the green-lit river, with the ominous tick tock of a crocodile lurking from the depths, as the carp swirled on the surface.

Kick off your Christmas season this year by bringing your own little lost boys and girls to Sudeley Castle Spectacle of Light - fly over the castle walls and discover this quite magical Neverland, a make-believe world of beauty and adventure (and in this particular case mulled wine for any grown-ups that happen to have ventured in).

Wrap up warm this December, open your eyes, your senses, and seek out the festive light at Sudeley Castle.

Explore Gloucestershire
1 December 2019

For further information.


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