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REVIEW: Aladdin at The Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury

REVIEW Aladdin at The Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury

It’s 8 December. The Christmas tree has been up for a whole week, the Christmas jumpers have had their first wash, the advent calendars have had eight of their little doors opened... and we are now itching for the next injection of festive fun.

Enter stage right, our first Family Panto of the season, Aladdin at The Roses.

Kicked off by a clever film montage (introducing us to our villain of the evening as he asks for help, advice and parking spots around the local Tewkesbury streets) this panto is a proper festive treat. Aladdin, Jasmine, Widow Twankey, Av’a’banana, Wishy Washy and of course Bibi the monkey dance, sing and entertain us through the Chinese streets and palaces of Peking with seamless audience interaction from the off. They adventure to the Chinese mountains and caves seeking treasure and fortune and love. Then they come back to Peking and spend a whole scene farting!

The kids and adults alike loved this high energy and high fun performance. It kept us laughing throughout, and even in the face of stage mishaps the magnificent cast pulled them off with aplomb, to much added hilarity. This panto has it all - the expected (a cunning villain, a dame wearing outrageous costumes, high tempo sing alongs, and high flying magic carpets) - the refreshing (a wonderful positive, happy and upbeat Genie) - but also a good serving of the unexpected (a physic snake, a shrinking Kung Fu Grannie, and tap dancing meerkats).

If you fancy a festive giggle before you open the next advent door - then venture over to The Roses and open Aladdins Cave. Oh no you won’t? Oh yes you absolutely should.

Aladdin at The Roses Theatre in Tewkesbury runs until Saturday 4 January.
Tickets from £15 - £25.


Explore Gloucestershire
8 December 2019


For further information.


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