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PYO Strawberries Gloucester

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Coronavirus Guidance in Gloucestershire

Coronavirus Guidance in Gloucestershire

The safety and wellbeing of visitors to Gloucestershire and those that work at all visitor attractions is a priority at present and everyone is taking the necessary precautions to ensure their continued welfare. Most attractions continue to follow advice on the current situation from Public Health England, who assess the UK’s Coronavirus risk as moderate at present.

If you are planning on visiting an attraction from an area which has been directly affected by the Coronavirus AND are showing symptoms similar to those associated with the virus, you are politely requested not to visit.

We will endeavour to keep you updated as much as possible, but we would recommend making a phone call if you are in any doubt before your visit.

Until then, stay safe, look after each and keep everything crossed for a healthy, sunny summer ahead. 

Explore Gloucestershire
17 March 2020

For further information.


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