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Your museum needs you! - A Life In Lockdown' Exhibition

'A Life In Lockdown' Exhibition: Memories of Covid-19 in Gloucestershire 2020

'A Life In Lockdown' Exhibition: Memories of Covid-19 in Gloucestershire 2020

The Museum of Gloucester is inviting everyone in the county to capture their memories of Gloucestershire during the period of lockdown, for an exhibition titled ‘A Life in Lockdown’.

They are hoping to display as many of your memories as possible in an exhibition at the museum in Autumn 2020, as well as a producing a permanent record of this period in their digital collection. There will also be a small competition for children and young adults and an overall ‘People Choice’ award.

To contribute your memories of the Covid-19 pandemic in Gloucestershire, please submit up to five image(s) and/or a video that you’ve taken during the lockdown period from 20 March 2020...

You have until Friday 31 July 2020 to submit your content and details/links on how to submit your content are below. Keep calm and start collating! #ALifeInLockdown

Explore Gloucestershire
3 June 2020

For further information.


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