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Gruffalo’s Child Trail brings the Easter holiday crowds to the DHC!

On Friday 29th March until Monday 1st April 2013 the Dean Heritage Centre (DHC) opened their highly anticipated Gruffalo’s Child trail.

Visitors met the official Gruffalo character, saw the spectacular new woodland trail, took part in creative craft activities, listened to captivating storytelling and watched the official Gruffalo’s Child animated film on the big screen in the centre’s onsite meeting room.
The woodland trail is the second of its kind at the local tourist attraction to depict scenes from the storybook by author Julia Donaldson and illustrator Axel Scheffler. I has been painstakingly carved by resident chainsaw artists Clayton Ryder, Gil Parnham and Mandy Thompson and assisted by a team of volunteers using locally sourced redwood from the Forest of Dean.
Although the Easter Bank holiday weather was bitterly cold, the centre was jam packed with visitors across the Bank holiday weekend. Extra volunteers were called in to help attend to the many visitors from the Forest, South Wales, Dorset, Devon and as far as London who came to gain a first glimpse of the imaginative trail.
Centre Manager, Nathalie Hall said: “I am delighted by the response we had to our new Gruffalo’s Child trail. We saw over 3000 people visit the site which is fantastic given the weather threatened to ruin things only a few days before.”
“The success of the trail is down to the sheer determination and dedication of the Centre staff and volunteers who worked tirelessly and up until the very last minute to ensure the trail was ready for our visitors.”

The Gruffalo’s Child woodland trail will remain open and continue until March 2014 with an educational program also on offer for schools and pre-schools. The Gruffalo and Gruffalo’s Child packages can be adapted to suit the needs of the school and can be combined with team building and bush craft exercises to provide a comprehensive day of fun and learning for a wide age range.
Don’t worry if you missed the Big G’ this time around, the official Gruffalo character will visit the centre again on the 26th and 27th October 2013.
For more information on the DHC please visit the website or call 01594 822170.

Explore Gloucestershire
4 April 2013

For further information.


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